Faith Healer...  

  "Elisabeth S. Rodgers gives a
performance which is nothing short
of superb. She grabs you by the
throat as soon as she walks onstage
and doesn't loosen her grip until the
end...[She], apparently, is not Irish,
but her Northern accent is almost
[Her] acting will leave you winded... Elisabeth S. Rodgers is the uncontested star
of the show. Go - if only to see her perform. Brian Friel himself could not have
pictured a more perfect Grace..."                          - Emer Mullins, The Irish Voice
...with Patrick Hillan...
Antony & Cleopatra...
As Cleopatra, (she) shouldered the burden of Shakespeare's demands for mood swings at the turn of a phrase... (she) was truly experiencing emotions rather than using her portrayals as manipulation. 
                                                                              - Esther Daily, C Ville
...the highest honor here goes to Elisabeth S. Rodgers who was a wonderful Cleopatra, turning on a dime with the mercurial Queen.                                                              - Clifford Garstang, Perpetual Folly
The Winter's Tale...
Hermione, the king's wife who bears the brunt 
of his rage, is played by one of the new 
members of the company, Elisabeth Rodgers. 
She's fantastic, controlled, completely 
convincing as the loving wife turned innocent 
                 - Clifford Garstang, Perpetual Folly

I thought Elisabeth S. Rodgers as Hermione 
must be the finest actress in the company... 
(she) made my hair stand on end...  
                  - Frank Albrecht, The News Leader
Photos by Tommy Thompson
Sherlock's Secret Life...

"Rodgers' Marianna is an enchanting,
thoroughly captivating blend of
ingenuousness, intelligence,
womanliness, and girlish flirtation and
     - Jeffrey Borak, The Berkshire Eagle

"...Elisabeth S. Rodgers turns in a
bravura performance as the mystery
woman... She is as smart and beautiful
as the script calls for and handles the
characters many changes - from
amnesia to heroism to hysteria - with
                   - Michael Eck, Times Union

"Reminiscent of the statuesque beauties
whose heaving corseted bosoms
seduced a generation of filmgoers in
Hammer films, Rodgers displays a
refreshing wit spontaneity and sincerity
that captivate the audience..."
                - Ralph Hammann, Metroland
A Comedy of Errors...

"She is a head case, but you've got
to love her... Elisabeth S. Rodgers
gives a standout performance as
the tightly wound rich girl, Adriana...
Between running after her man and
running to the authorities, [she]
somehow also manages to center
the Bard's comedy about the
mistaken identity of two sets of

          - David Greg, The Daily Gazette
Jesus Hopped the A Train...

"Mary Jane Hanrahan...clashes with
[Angel] Cruz but eventually becomes
his own angel. It's exciting to see
Rodgers working close up, and in a
much grittier role than she's been
offered before locally..."
                 - Michael Eck, Times Union

"Hers is a controlled performance,
appropriately icy..."
      - Charles Kondek, The Independent Grace in Faith Healer at The Schoolhouse Theater...
                                                                                          photo by Doug Abdelnour
...with Jan Knightley and Rene Thornton, Jr...
...with Joel Leffert, John McQuire, Joel Aroeste, Eileen Schuyler and David Bunce...                                                 (photo - Tim Raab)
...with Chris Burmester and Joy Lamberton...                                                      (photo - Ed Burke, The Saratogian) Kari in The Pavilion...